It can be hard to ask for caregiving help, but this 8 tips can allow you to ask for the help you need

My parents taught me (Barbara), “To give is better than to receive. Don’t ask for handouts. Pull your own weight.” All great advice to live a self-sufficient existence. Sometimes, however, even the strongest individuals need to ask for caregiving help.


Asking others for their assistance is hard. As we age and our physical abilities change, many of us adamantly refuse to admit we need a hand. When well intentioned folks offer to help, we feel embarrassed and decline their generosity.


In the book, Mayday! Asking for Help in Times of Need, author M. Nora Klaver says there are several reasons why people wait until they are desperate to seek assistance. People are uncomfortable and afraid to ask. Also, we value our independence and no one may have taught us how to ask for help.



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