Election Day is Fast Approaching: Your Vote Matters

We have all experienced heartaches and hardships since the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed the first case of the Coronavirus on January 15, 2020 in the state of Washington.
Read moreIt's Our Duty to Complete the Census: The Clock is Ticking

Have you fulfilled your civic duty to complete the 2020 Census?
Read moreAfter a Hurricane: 8 Safety Tips to Remember

The stress and anxiety of a hurricane can be overwhelming for family members young and old, but there are a few tips to help you make it through the adversity safely.
Read moreStates Begin Reopening Long Term Care Communities and Facilities

As many states grapple with reopening nursing homes to visitors, it is important that we continue to practice our prudent safety measures to help keep our vulnerable seniors healthy.
Read moreCOVID Relief Legislation is the Perfect Way To Help Scammed Seniors

As older American's continue to suffer from elder financial fraud, scams and abuse at a record pace, Congress has taken notice.
Read moreSeniors Will Benefit From Moderate Physical and Mental Activity During COVID-19

Over the last few months, we have written blog posts about our health care heroes and the many others who have made life easier for our older Americans.
Read moreFeds Step Up COVID19 Nursing Home Testing With Rapid-Fire Strategy

The federal government recently announced plans to implement an innovative rapid point-of-care initiative for nursing homes to help protect our vulnerable population.
Read moreU.S. Senators Send Letter to CMS and HHS Seeking Telehealth Answers

Several months ago, as most governors issued COVID-19 Stay at Home or Shelter in Place Orders, our seniors were stuck at home with no way to see their doctor.
Read moreLet's Join Tennessee's First Lady Lee in Serving Others

In addition to helping protect the precious resources that our older Americans have earned over the years, we enjoy sharing tips that are good for our overall health.
Read moreMaking Elder Fraud a Priority

As Elder Abuse Awareness Month comes to a close, it was perfect timing for President Trump and the Department of Justice to double up their commitment to protecting our older Americans.
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