False statements on the Social Security website could end up costing seniors thousands

On November 2, 2015 the President signed the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, which dramatically changed Social Security’s future treatment of spousal benefits. I say “future” because the bill included important grandfathering provisions. I know these provisions very well because I may have had a hand in getting them added to the bill.


Check out this list of Social Security columns and you’ll find one I wrote on October 27th entitled “Proposed Budget Bill Would Have Devastating Effects On Millions’ Social Security Benefits.” A draft of the new Social Security provisions was made public on Sunday, October 26, 2015. When I saw the draft, I immediately wrote my column, which appeared on PBS NewsHour’s website the next morning. Later that day, the grandfathering amendments were added to the bill. I was subsequently told by several people in the know that my column had pushed Congress to add its grandfathering clauses.



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