Edward Kydd has traveled 13,332 miles in 1,742 hours of service for Meals on Wheels.
The Rockledge man drives two routes every Monday, accompanied by his traveling companion — his 73-year-old daughter, Janet von Berg.
Kydd is 101, by the way.
And he might just be the poster child — OK, poster centenarian — for the mantra "Engage at every age," the 2018 theme of Older Americans Month.
For many Brevard seniors, the opportunity to engage comes daily through volunteering — and age is no barrier to their efforts.
"I think the reason I'm going to be 102 in July is because I've stayed active," said Kydd.
There's a place for any volunteer, said Pastor David Rosenbaum of Redeemer Lutheran Church. He's chairman of Brevard VOAD, Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.