These Florida seniors aren't letting their age stop them from helping others

Edward Kydd has traveled 13,332 miles in 1,742 hours of service for Meals on Wheels.

The Rockledge man drives two routes every Monday, accompanied by his traveling companion — his 73-year-old daughter, Janet von Berg.

Kydd is 101, by the way.

And he might just be the poster child — OK, poster centenarian — for the mantra "Engage at every age," the 2018 theme of Older Americans Month.

For many Brevard seniors, the opportunity to engage comes daily through volunteering — and age is no barrier to their efforts.

"I think the reason I'm going to be 102 in July is because I've stayed active," said Kydd.

There's a place for any volunteer, said Pastor David Rosenbaum of Redeemer Lutheran Church. He's chairman of Brevard VOAD, Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.



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