Low cost of living & low taxes help rank Alabama as the 6th best state for retirees

Deciding where to retire? You'll need to weigh the personal factors yourself, from preferred climate to proximity to family.

But when it comes to financial factors, we can help. We ranked all 50 states for retirement based on the financial factors most critical to retirees, figuring that the best states will offer low living costs and light tax burdens, as well as affordable health care options. We also favored states that are economically healthy and home to fit, active and relatively prosperous residents age 65 and over. After crunching all of the numbers, Alabama ranked sixth—two spots ahead of retiree haven Florida—on our list of the best states for retirement. Check out why.

Alabama: #6 Best State for Retirement

Population: 4.8 milliony

Share of population 65+: 15.3% (U.S.: 14.5%)y

Cost of living: 13% below the U.S. averagey

Average income for 65+ households: $44,934 (U.S.: $53,799)y

Average health care costs for a retired couple: Below average at $404,922 (U.S.: $423,523)y

Tax rating for retirees: Tax Friendly



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