The Quiet Coronavirus Heroes

As we process the worst health care crisis since the 1918 Spanish Flu, it is a great time for us to give our community heroes across the USA the recognition they truly deserve.

They may consider their work as ordinary, but their effort to keep us safe is nothing short of extraordinary. The coronavirus (COVID19) has created champions and they should be recognized, now more than ever.

These are a few of the heroes who have an enormous amount of courage that make life easier and safer for all of us:

Healthcare professionals - many are on the COVID-19 front line putting their lives and their families at great risk. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, we wrote about how nurses demonstrate extraordinary kindness and patience with older Americans.  It is not surprising that Gallup, an American analytics and advisory company specializing in opinion polls, selected the nursing profession as its most respected profession for the 18th  consecutive year. All healthcare workers possess exceptional skills and talents while possessing a high level of ethics and honesty. We love our physicians, surgeons, nurses and everyone responsible for delivering care.

Pharmacy team - the pharmacist and their staff are such an integral part of the healthcare team and are helping provide research and medications to help us stay healthy or on top of our game. While assisting those who are sick, the pharmacy has to work 12-15 hour days just to keep up with the demand. Many people have panicked and have gone to their local pharmacy to stock up on medications forcing some states to limit quantities.  The crisis has put relentless pressure on pharmacies and is taking a toll on the whole pharmacy team, but most of them continue to have great attitudes during these turbulent times.

First Responders - these special individuals are those who are the first to show up on the scene to render medical aid. Just in New York City, 1300 first responders returned to work this week.

Firefighters, paramedics and emergency medical technicians continue to respond to a record number of calls. The FDNY Fire Commissioner Dan Nigro summed it up best when he said, “I am incredibly proud of the men and women of the department who are demonstrating every single day throughout this pandemic why they are known as the best and the bravest.” We believe that perfect quote should be applied to all first responders across America. They have earned it.

Mail carriers - with many states operating under stay at home orders, the USPS continues to operate as normal under the essential business terms. Our mail carriers spend much of their day in front of the public because many people love their mail carrier and want to visit with them. As the carriers deliver mail, the public does not adhere to safe social distancing guidelines when mail is being delivered putting our carriers in great danger.

Truck drivers - now more than ever, truck drivers are vital to getting food in grocery stores and supplies into businesses. Even though truck drivers may be traveling across the USA and stuck inside their truck throughout the day, they remain in a high risk environment having to shop in convenience stores and tuck stops. As soon as grocery store shelves are depleted, despite COVID-19, a trucker finds a way to deliver the new supplies. To exemplify the passion truckers have across the country for people, Paul Enos, CEO of the Nevada Trucking Association, told ABC News, “While other businesses are closing, we will not, because the trucking industry is essential to all of our lives and health. We will continue to be here to support you, your companies and employees.” America's truck drivers are on the front line and no matter if it is a tornado, hurricane or COVID-19, they find a way to deliver crucial supplies across America. As you go about your day, please take time out to thank a trucker. They are truly making a difference!

Grocery store team - another essential job is grocery store employee's. I have had the pleasure of visiting a few grocery stores for our grocery needs and I am so grateful for the amazing effort put forth by the employees. Quite frankly, these employees are part of the glue that is helping hold our country together because most everyone loves to eat. Whether they are butchers, stock clerks or cashiers, they all come face to face with the American public.

Teachers - during this pandemic, teachers more than any profession have had to improvise their teaching methods. With the schoolhouse doors being slammed shut, teachers have turned to technology to get their message across to students. Teachers and those students with access to a computer have turned to distance learning online. This was not what any student had planned for, but the teachers have risen up to the challenge. Even though some students are without access and certain teachers understand technology better than others, this experiment has taught us how to do so much more than we ever dreamed. When this COVID-19 is long gone, I believe one day we will all be able to look back and appreciate how much this country adapted and grew together.

Hopefully, we are getting close to a COVID-19 peak, but in the meantime, Congress should find a way to offer the supplies these brave heroes need to protect themselves while serving America on the front line. Thank you community heroes for raising your game for the USA!


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