Here's how President Trump's retirement executive order may affect you

Saving for and spending in retirement is difficult and not every employee has access through their employer. But it might be about to get just a little bit easier and access may expand.

Last Friday, President Trump signed an executive order that spurs the Department of Labor and the Department of Treasury to push forward several bipartisan changes to how retirement plans operate.

Here are the big initiatives:

  • Review Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules with an eyes towards starting them later than age 70 ½ and/or reducing them once they start;
  • Consider the creation of pooled Multiple Employer Plans, which would allow companies to offer financial institutions’ 401(k) plans with participants pooled from multiple unaffiliated employers, rather than asking employers to create their own independent 401(k) plan from scratch; and
  • Review paperwork and administrative requirements for employers’ workplace retirement plans with the intent of lowering costs and spurring retirement plan adoption among small and medium businesses.

No changes are certain, and the changes if enacted would likely take months or years to go into effect. And it’s also unclear what impact (if any) the executive order will have on pending bipartisan retirement legislation in Congress.

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