Valentine’s Day isn’t about chocolates, roses and wine for me anymore. It’s about celebrating the strong heartbeat of the love of my life: my husband, Steve.
His triple bypass and heart valve repair surgery have given us an appreciation for life.
February is American Heart Month, when we are reminded how important it is to take care of ourselves. According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease accounts for about 844,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.
Dr. Rajiv Mallik, who is affiliated with Cardiovascular Medicine, P.C. in Moline, said the prevalence of heart disease has steadily risen and is a massive driver of health-care costs.
“There can be no prevention unless we are aware of the risk factors to be managed and controlled,” he said. “Individuals need to know the risk factors for heart disease so we can take steps early on to avoid the consequences.”