Competitive Electric Suppliers Preying on the Elderly

Just as in past years, in 2019 AmSA will continue our efforts of working hard to help keep those hard earned dollars in the pockets of our senior citizens. 

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Road Safety vs. Senior Center

A poll question surfaced recently whether Norman, Oklahoma should choose to spend their precious tax dollars to fund road construction or should they build a senior center.  As most would agree, this is a difficult decision to contemplate.  As an organization fighting to keep hard earned dollars in the pockets of our senior citizens, this issue certainly caught our attention.

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Creative Scam Targets Older Americans

When we founded American Senior Alliance three years ago, our mission was to fight to help our senior citizens keep those hard-earned dollars in their pockets.  We wanted to ensure older adults stayed engaged in the legislative process while keeping them informed on issues that might affect their financial security.  Sadly, a scam seems to be running rampant through the senior community and we would like to bring it to the forefront.

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Do Your Research Before Donating to Charity

With the Christmas season before us, it is a wonderful feeling to reach out and help our fellow Americans who may be a little less fortunate.  Whether it is a neighbor, friend or charity, we can easily find someone in need.  However, if you are considering helping a local or national charity, it makes good sense to do a little homework before you give.  Even if it is an organization with glowing recommendations in your community, please take the time to do your research prior to giving.  Most of the time, charities are doing outstanding work, but occasionally there is a bad actor existing just to scam you

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Older Driver Safety Week is Crucial to Help Keep Seniors Safe

One of the most important topics of conversations for those caring for older Americans is safe driving.  Having the ability to drive gives older adults a sense of independence and so many families grapple with this issue knowing it may cause a difficult time for the transportation needs of seniors.

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Thanksgiving: A Time to Say Thank You to Those Caring for Our Older Americans

Every year at Thanksgiving, I often think about special things in my life that I am grateful for.  Sometimes it may be something very small like a warm cup of coffee.  This year though, it is something very large and it warms my heart everyday when I see the work in motion.  It is those who make life so much easier for our senior citizens. 

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Veterans Day is About Celebrating America's Heroes Young and Old

As a young man growing up, I was proud of the USA and enjoyed celebrating our nation's veterans every year.  The parades and festivities taking place to show our support for those who served in the United States Armed Forces helped me appreciate our hero's even that much more.  What I never realized was our veterans weren't just made up of older American's, but those in the 20's, 30's and 40's who put their lives on the line to protect the good ole USA too. 

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A Solid Guarantee: Older Americans Will Turnout on Election Day

Like they always say, the only things certain in life are death and taxes.  Well, I would consider adding our seniors expressing their right to vote to the list too.

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Volunteering May Help Loneliness and Isolation

We've all heard the old adage, “It is better to give than to receive.”  That message seems to be right on point when it comes to serving as a volunteer. There is something special about making a commitment and then taking time to serve others that makes us all feel good. 

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Halloween Candy: The Urge for All Ages

With Halloween just around the corner, our senior citizens need to steer clear of what temps us all on October 31st, Halloween candy.  There is something about the Halloween treats that are so enticing, but having the discipline to just say no may help us all stay a little healthier.  An alarming Federal Drug Administration (FDA) report highlighted in a New York Post article said black licorice could be more of a trick than a treat. 

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